Glory Worship Centre
Pastor David
About Our Church
Reflecting the light of the Lord Jesus!

We are a charismatic and pentecost church that seeks to reach the world through the preaching of the gospel accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Glory Worship Center Outreach started in 17th March 2019 in Innsbruck Austria with a branch in Tema Ghana. The Senior Pastor is Rev David Danso married to Mrs Deborah Danso and blessed with five children.


To raise up Disciples of the Lord Jesus who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus through the GOSPEL of Repentance from dead works, baptism in Water and Receiving the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:38 - 41. We desire to see people saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered, serving and living for the Lord Jesus Christ.


As a "free church" we do not get any support from the government. Thus, we solely rely on the generous freewill offerings and donations. Account details:
Glory Worship Centre Outreach
AT17 2050 3033 0230 3049
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7


Yes, and we are pleased that God made this gathering, there is no chance and nothing in the Lord. May God bless the people in this church to be salt and light for many other people. It shows their pure-heartedness, well-intentioned, no showmanship, people ready to truly serve God, because they understand that the rest is vanity. May God, through his holy spirit, guide them and anoint them for the blessing of their families and for the church to be an example to others. Congratulations to these wonderful ministers of God with whom we had the opportunity to meet, God willing and in the future see you, God's will for all! - Slava & Family (visitors from Bulgaria),


We believe in the fellowship of the believers according to Acts 2:41 and Hebrews 10:25.
We meet on Sundays for Worship Service 10AM (children) & 11AM (Adult & Children), Wednesdays at 7PM for Bible studies and Fridays at 7PM for prayer meetings.

Church Events

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    Sunday worship

    "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice" - Psalms 95: 6-7

    We meet every Sunday at 11AM for our Sunday Worship Service. 1st Sunday of the month is our Communion Service and last Sunday is our Thanksgiving Service. You are welcomed!

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    Children Service

    "But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 19:14 (ESV) simply dummy text of the printing

    The Children Service takes place every Sunday at 10AM.They enjoy activities such as Bible games, Singing, Bible drama and Bible study.

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    Bible studies

    "Romans 15:4, ESV: For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope."- Romans 15:4 (ESV).

    God's word is the key instrument for spiritual growth. We meet every Wednesday at 7PM for Bible Studies.

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    Prayer evening

    “Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks.” - Philippians 4:6

    Prayer is an important aspect of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We meet every Friday at 7PM for our prayer service.

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Contact Info

Etrichgasse 28,
2nd Floor, Room 2
6020 Innsbruck,


+43 650 420 5276
